ТЕМА:Все про моїх друзів.
Мета: повторити та активізувати нові ЛО з теми «Риси
характеру», вчити учнів розповідати про оточення; вчити працювати в парах та
виховувати повагу до людей. позитивні риси
характеру та вміння знаходити їх в інших;
Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, малюнки із зображенням
казкових героїв, презентація, аудіо запис.
Тип уроку: Урок закріплення знань, умінь та навичок.
Привітання. Повідомлення теми
та мети уроку
T. Good Morning , dear
children! How are you?
Ch: We are fine, thank you.
Today’s topic is “All about
my friends”. We shall
speak about different
traits of character
about your friends.
1) Перевірка домашнього завдання.Check on homework.
Перевірка заповнення “My
Learning Diary”.
II. Мовна розминка. Warming up.
Уведення в іншомовну
2)Фонетична зарядка.Phonetic drill.
T: I have prepeared a poem
for you. Let’ s read and answer my questions.
Do boys and girls have
different traits of character?( Слайд 1)
What are
little boys made of?
“Ships and snails, and
puppy dogs tails
That’s what
little boys are made of!”
What are
little girls made of?
“Sugar and
spice and all things nice
That’s what
little girls are made of!”
III.Основна частина уроку.
3) Повторення лексики, Vocabulary work
T.Look at the screen, read
and remember adjectives.(Слайд 2)
Active, honest, outgoing, romantic,
friendly, helpful, quiet, hard-working, lazy, shy, merry, fat, kind, brave,
clever, strong, beautiful, nice.
T: What words do you know?
What words are new?
What about you? Are you an
active person? ( honest, romantic…)
4) Гра « Хто це?»
2-3 учні усно намагаються описати риси
характеру свого однокласника, не називаючи його імя, інші відгадують хто це.
5) Говоріння.Speaking
T.Use these adjectives and
pay a compliment to your classmates.
6) Розвиток навичок аудіювання та читання. Listening
and Reading.
T: Listen and read about some
British children and match the words in colums to make true sentences. Впр. 1,
с. 50 (учні слухають аудіозапис на аудіододатку до Підручника О.Д.Капюк для 5
класу, та виконують завдання, потім читають ланцюжком текст, обираючи
правильний варіант закінчення речення)
6) Перевірка розуміння прочитанного. After reading activity
Гра « Мікрофон»(робота в
T: Answer for my questions:
Who is unusual?
Who has got a nickname?
Who is imaginative?
Who is an excellent pupil?
Who is very clever?
Who has got a bug collection?
Who is sporty?
Who has got two brothers?
Who is popular at school?
Whose hobby is music?
Who is polite and nice?
Who likes reading and writing
7) Розвиток навичок письма. Writing
Впр. 2 с.51 T: Complete the
children’s names.
T.Use these adjectives and
pay a compliment to your classmates.
What are they like?
Фізхвилинка “Head and soulders”
8) Відгадай героїв мультфільмів. Guessing game.
I suppose you know a lot of
fairy tales. And fairy tale characters
have also some good and bad
qualities. I have prepared some riddles,
read them
and guess. Who
is it? ( Слайд 3)
1. She is a nice little
Princess. Her lips are red, her hair is black, her
skin is white. She is
friendly, helpful and kind. She likes animals
and birds.
2. It is a
bear. It
is funny, fat,
nice, and talkative.
It has got
3. He is merry and creative.
He is outgoing and helpful. He has got
many friends. He can fly.
4. She is a shy and beautiful
girl. She has got a father, a stepmother
and two sisters. She is very
hardworking, she never stops. Her stepmother and sisters are rude and cruel.
They don’t like the girl. But
the girl always help them.
5. He lives in the forest in
England. He is brave and strong, clever and
kind. He is always ready to
help poor people. He is good at shooting.
6. He is clever and brave. He
doesn’t have a mother and a father. He
lives with his aunt, uncle
and cousin. His hair is black and he wears
glasses. He studies at
Hogwarts School.
9) Робота в групах . Гра “ Острів скарбів»
Учні діляться на 2 команди.
Завдання команд швидше знайти скарб, відповівши на запитання. (слайдова
презентація , бутилка з завданнями)
1.What do we say when a
person always tells the truth?
2. What do we say when a
person helps other people?
3.What do we say when a person acts like a friend?
4.What do we say when a person doesn’t help his parents?
5.What do we say when a person is never afraid?
6.What do we say when a person often does things, plays games?
7.What do we say when a person is friendly and likes being with people?
8.What do we say when a person shows feelings of love?
9.What do we say when a person doesn’t make a lot of noise?
10.What do we say when a person works and studies hard?
11) What do we say when a
person is afraid to talk to people?
10) Домашнє завдання. Homework
На вибір: Впр. 4, с. 51.Написати 3-4
речення про одного з героїв оповідання.
Написати про свого
товариша-високий рівень
V. Підведення підсумків уроку, виставлення оцінок.
Summing up.
T.What did you practice at
the lesson? What did you like to do at
the lesson? Your marks are…
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