середа, 11 листопада 2015 р.

Тема: The World of Books.

Тема: The World of Books.
Мета: узагальнити мовний матеріал з теми , удосконалити мовні навички
( повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці з теми ), формувати навички вживання пасивного стану дієслів, вчити висловлювати свої думки, вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання, діалогічного мовлення;
розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів, логічне мислення, память ;
виховувати любов до книг, повагу до вподобань друзів.
Обладнання: підручники, зошити, комп’ютер, роздатковий матеріал, учнівські презентації.
Тип уроку: урок систематизації й узагальнення знань.
                                          Хід уроку
      I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
    1)Організаційний момент. Greeting and Aim.
T: Good morning, girls and boys! Glad to meet you here. I hope you are all ready for our lesson.
Please, try to guess the riddle and you’ll know the topic of our lesson.(slide 1)
                               I have many leaves,
                               But I’m not a tree.
                               I’m something nice,
                               Come and read me.
Ps: It is a book.
T: Right you are a book. Today we are going to talk about “The world of books” (slide 2)
T: This lesson will help you to:
-learn about people’s reading tastes;
-improve your skills in listening, speaking, doing tests, using different sources of information;
-know more about the world’s famous writers and works written by them;
-improve your knowledge of the Passive Voice.
At the end of lesson you will fill in these forms in order to see how active you’ve been at the lesson.

     II. Мовна розминка. Warming up.
2) Метод «Пресс»
       P-I think…
       E-for example…
  S-that’s why
 ( Демонстрація відомих прислів’їв на екрані) (slide 3)
«The more you read the more you know».
« A good book is a source of wisdom».
T: Now read these proverbs and say how you understand them. Do you agree with them?
P.1 I fully agree with them. It seems to me books help us in self-education and solving problems.
P.2 Books help to discover new things.
P.3 I think reading is important because books can teach us how to behave in difficult situations.

 III.Основна частина уроку. Main part of lesson
3)     Розвиток навичок усного мовлення. Speaking.
Interactive exercise “Microphone”
1.     Do you like reading books?
2.     What kinds of books do you read most often?
3.     Do you have many books at home?
4.     What is the most useful book in your library?
5.     Do you ever borrow books from the library?
4) Знайди пару. Matching
T: To be successful in your work, let’s review the material you’ve already learnt. So, look at the board and match these word-combinations with their translations.
(Slide 4)
Choose the correct translation for each word-combination.
1)    adventure stories                           а) психологічна драма
2)    love stories                                     б) книги про мандрівки
3)    historical novels                             в) детективні оповідання
4)    travel books                                    г) наукова фантастика
5)    detective stories                              д) історичні романи
6)    science fiction                                 е) романи про повсякденне життя
7)    novels of everyday life                    є) пригодницькі оповідання
8)    psychological drama                        ж) любовні історії

     5) Розвиток навичок усного мовлення.
Speaking on the subject, using the active vocabulary of the lesson
T: Well done! And what kinds of books do you prefer to read? So, let’s work in chain. Try to use the following patterns.( slide 5)
1.     As for me, I am fond of… . I think they are… .
2.     I like reading… .To my mind they are … .
3.     As I am keen on…, I always read… . These books are really…
4.     I am fond of… because I find them…
5.     I read…as I think they are…
                     Books can be    exciting

6)Розвиток граматичних навичок.Grammar.
Повторення правила The use of the Passive Voice.
T: I think that only a skillful writer can create very exciting books. Well, a bit later, we’ll find out if you know world famous writers well. But first, let’s recall the information of the Passive Voice as I want you to use it while speaking about well-known books and their authors.
Презентація правила вживання пасивного стану
-         To be+V3(Ved)
 (Slide 7)

Choose the correct variant.
1.     This house… by my grandpa in 1890.
a)     is built
b)     was built       c) will be built
2.     The letter…tomorrow.
a)     is sent
b)    will be sent        c) are sent
3.     What…in each of these regions.
a) are grown
b) grows                   c) is grown
4. A new film …yesterday.
a) was shown
b) are shown              c) is shown
5. I…about it every week.
a) was told
b) am told                 c) were told

7) Розвиток навичок усного мовлення та письма. Speaking and writing.
 T:And now say who the following books were written by. Use the Passive Voice.
(Slide 8)
     1) Treasure Island                                      a) Robert Stevenson
2) The adventures of Tom Sawyer             b) Charlotte Bronte
3) Jane Eyre                                                c) Daniel Defoe
4) Robinson Crusoe                                    d) Walter Scott
5) Ivanhoe                                                   e) Mark Twain
     8) Відпочинок. Relaxation
T: You’ve done a great job. And I think you deserve a little rest. So look at the screen and enjoy watching…cartoons!
( Демонстрація сюжетів мультфільмів)

9)Watching presentations
T: You know there is a very good proverb: “Choose an author as you choose a friend” Do you have favourite books and writers? So, it’s time to watch your presentations.
(учнівські презентації про улюбленого письменника)

9)    Аудіювання.Listening
T: Many people can’t imagine their life without books. And to my mind, it’s true that “A room without books is a body without a soul». But have you ever thought of the first books? What were they like?
Учні дивляться презентацію .
IV. Домашнє завдання.
Homework: T: Your homework is to write about famous English writer.
Високий рівень : Write a letter to your favourite writer or poet. Tell him why you like his writings
V. Підведення підсумків уроку, виставлення оцінок. Summing up.
T: Well, our lesson is coming to the end. You’ve done a great job. So, can you tell me what you have learnt today?
(Slide 10)
Let’s sum up
I know….
I can…
I’ve improved…

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